Reading drop in morning

Parents were invited in to experience one of our reading lessons. The morning was enjoyed by both the pupils and their parents and gave a good insight to how we work to encourage pupils with their reading.

Ofsted Inspection –

The school will be inspected by Ofsted on Wednesday 1st July and Thursday 2nd July 2015. Please see the attached letter giving information to parents about the inspection. It would be very helpful if as many parents as possible could complete the parent view questionnaire on the Ofsted website. [download id="11970"] [download id="11972"] [...]

Positively Playtime!

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils are enjoying playtimes even more, with a wide variety of games and equipment designed to keep them active. Better, more active and creative playtimes means happier and healthier children!

Comic Relief 2015

This Red Nose Day, we made our faces funny for money. The children got creative with their faces and raised lots of cash to make people’s lives better. View our funny face gallery here!

World Book Day 2015

World Book Day was designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and is marked in over 100 countries around the globe. The origins of the day we now celebrate in the UK and Ireland come from Catalonia, where roses and books were given as gifts to loved ones on St. George’s [...]

3D Walkthrough – Exciting developments

Our plans for the new, state of the art building have government approval in principle but we would like to get your views on the project. The project involves the construction of a new building and the demolition of the existing estate. Work will start in spring 2015, with the new building expected to be [...]

Dragons Den

Budding entrepreneurs on the School Council invited teaching staff to a Dragons Den style interview where they each had three minutes to pitch for investment in a product to make and sell for the School Christmas Fair. The bids have been developed by each class, who have considered what age group the product is aimed [...]

It’s party time….

Class Christmas parties will be held on the afternoon of Thursday 18th December. The children will need to come to school in the morning in their school uniform, and can change into their party clothes at lunch time. They will need to bring their party clothes in a clearly labelled bag. Your child’s class teacher [...]

World Wars Day 2014

The children had a World War themed day. The purpose of the day was to promote the children’s awareness of the 2 World Wars. Two Normandy veterans visited the school for the day and educated the children on what it was like to fight in the war and how it changed lives today. Mr Mike [...]

Halloween disco

The Halloween Disco took place on Tuesday 21st November . The children came dressed in Halloween costumes and practiced their scary dance moves . There was a Key Stage 1 disco and a Key Stage 2 disco both of which were well attended despite the poor weather outside.  

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