Roman Day

Years 3 & 4  found out what it was like to live in Roman Times. Horrible Histories came and did a workshop with the children where they had the opportunity to dress up in Roman clothes, handle artefacts from Roman times and fight as Roman soldiers. The children really enjoyed all the experiences as history [...]

Why are humans not like tigers?

In Year 2 the children have been exploring their new topic; ‘Why are humans not like Tigers?’. The topic focuses on scientific investigation where the children will develop an understanding of both humans and animals, working towards identifying the similarities and differences. The topic will involve a school trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on [...]

Physical Education in year 2

We will be participating in Physical Education on a Tuesday and Wednesday. As the timetable is often altered for various extracurricular activities, please could children bring their PE kit to school on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. School PE kit is a white polo shirt/t-shirt, black or navy shorts, and plimsolls [...]

KS 1 – water bottles

In KS1 children are allowed to bring their own labelled water bottle into school to use throughout the day. We are able to refill the bottles at school if you wish to leave it in the classroom overnight, however the bottles will need to be taken home regularly to be cleaned.

Reading with your child

Please can you make sure that you hear your child read at home regularly and complete their home-school reading comment book. Reading regularly helps your child with spelling, writing and in other areas of the curriculum.  

Year 3/4 Autumn Topics

We have some exciting topics to cover over the coming year. This Autumn term we will be learning about Animals including humans. We will find out about healthy eating, different food types  and the effects of exercise on the body. Then we will learn about the Romans. This will including an exciting Roman themed day. [...]

Parents Helpers

In Year 2 we are always looking to provide more opportunities for adults to read with children in school. If you are interested in becoming a parent helper please let me know.

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