Our Approach to Computing

At Neasden Primary, Computing will be taught through the following lenses:

  • Computing systems and networks

  • Creating media

  • Programming

  • Data and information

These are golden threads that run through the curriculum across the primary phase and pupils progress through these strands from introduction to a deep understanding.

The EYFS curriculum provides the building blocks to allow pupils at the beginning of Year 1 to access this curriculum. The computing curriculum is based upon the Teach Computing Programme of study and has been adapted to meet the needs of the Neasden children. The strands of taxonomy are embedded throughout: algorithms, programming, data and information, computer systems, creating media, design and development, effective use of tools, impact of technology and safety and security.

Computer safety and security is at the core of all technology-based work and complements the PSHE curriculum. Ambitious curricular goals for each half term ensure clear progression across the school where the children have the opportunity to build upon prior learning through the foci of computer safety, processes for media, writing code, uses of data and information, evaluating effectiveness and debugging.

For more information regarding the National Curriculum for Computing, please click here.

When our children leave Neasden Primary School as Computer Technologists they will:

  • an understanding and ability to apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.

  • an understanding of how to analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems.

  • the ability to evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.

  • responsibility, competence, confidence and are creative users of information and communication technology.

Further Information: