Our Approach to Geography

At Neasden Primary, Geography will be taught through the following lenses:

  • We are part of the larger world

  • There are reasons for different weather and climate around the world

  • The Earth and the environment is constantly changing

  • The world has limited resources that must be managed in order to be sustainable

  • People live where they do for different reasons

These are golden threads that run through the curriculum across the primary phase and pupils progress through these strands from introduction to a deep understanding.

The EYFS curriculum provides the building blocks to allow pupils at the beginning of Year 1 to access this curriculum. Pupils will gain significant knowledge of all aspects of the Geographical National Curriculum, this knowledge is defined into 2 types – substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge.

Substantive knowledge explains what the children will learn and is detailed in the grid below, including elements of Locational Knowledge, Place Knowledge and Human and Physical Geography.

Disciplinary knowledge details the way in which the children will learn the substantive knowledge is progressive though the school and identified for each year group with a focus on Geographical Skills and Fieldwork. Disciplinary knowledge will be taught, reactivated and developed every term, through each unit and is detailed in the table at the end of this document.

For more information regarding the National Curriculum for Geography, please click here.

When our children leave Neasden Primary School as Geographers they will:

  • A curiosity of how they fit into a larger world.

  • A deep understanding of different climates and the resulting weather around the world.

  • A knowledge of the people of the world and an understanding of why they live in the places that they do.

  • An understanding of the impact that their actions have on the environment and have the knowledge to make informed decisions about sustainability.

  • An understanding of how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.

Further Information: