School Uniform

Our school uniform promotes a sense of pride and belonging.

  • plain or embroidered burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan
  • plain or embroidered blue or white polo shirt or blouse
  • black or grey trousers or skirt
  • blue or red gingham dress
  • black, flat shoes
  • black sandshoes

Book bags are also recommended.

For PE, children are to wear black or navy shorts or jogging bottoms and a house coloured t-shirt. The first t-shirt will be provided by the school. Jewellery must not be worn in school. If your child has pierced ears a very plain stud may be worn but must be removed for any physical activity.

Although not compulsory, embroidered uniform can be purchased by our uniform provider Rawcliffes by clicking here. PE t-shirts can be purchased through our online payment system SchoolMoney and these will get sent home with the children. All other uniform is available from local supermarkets.

Pre-loved Uniform

As a school we also collect pre-loved uniform that is in good condition and that your child no longer uses. Please bring any items into the school office and we will re-distribute it to families who are in most need.

Both my daughters attend Neasden and both have made such progress. They feel safe and I am reassured sending them to school.

Parent Survey

Excellent Reading! Really impressed with my child’s reading.

Parent Survey

My child is really happy at school and I like the fact that I am kept informed and up to date with what is happening.

Parent Survey

My child is pushed to his full potential.

Parent Survey

My child always tells me how the teachers make the lessons fun.

Parent Survey

Never had any issues with bullying.

Parent Survey

School is very safe and the gates are always watched.

Parent Survey

We are really happy with our children and happy with everything.

Parent Survey

I have been impressed by the school productions.

Parent Survey

Teaching is done in a nice way and very disciplined.

Parent Survey

Encourages my child’s learning is all areas.

Parent Survey