Neasden Primary School – staff list

Leadership Team

Name Role
Mrs K Drinkall Headteacher – Overall Effectiveness and Assessment Lead, Behaviour Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs A Jackson Deputy Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead, EYFS & KS1 Co-ordinator, EYFS Teacher, Early Reading Lead
Mrs K Goucher Assistant Headteacher – SEN Co-ordinator, Year 5 Class Teacher, Maths Lead
Mrs V Smith School Business Manager

Teaching Staff

Name Year Group
Mrs S Coventry EYFS
Miss E Gray Year 1
Miss M Williamson Year 1
Miss N Lakin Year 2
Mrs A Luckhurst Year 2
Miss G Parkinson Year 2
Miss F Horner Year 3
Mrs G Richardson Year 3
Miss L Dixon Year 4
Mr R Hoult Year 4
Miss C Andrews Year 5 (maternity leave)
Mr L Clancy Year 6
Miss S Robinson Year 6

Admin and Additional Support Staff

Name Role
Miss C Browne Child Protection Co-ordinator (maternity leave)
Mrs G Mosleh Child Protection Co-ordinator
Mrs M Jordan Home/School Liaison Officer
Miss C Thickett HR Administrator

Classroom Support

Mrs A Burdick
Miss L Dyson
Mrs N Fairclough
Mrs J Gardiner
Miss I Hinchliffe
Miss A Hudson
Miss B Johnson
Miss T Leason
Mrs J Meakin
Miss C Morgan
Mrs T Mortimer
Miss C Newland
Mrs A Parker
Miss J Pearson
Mrs W Wilkinson

Premises Staff

Name Role
Mr S Thickett Site Facilities Officer
Mrs K Beilston Cleaner
Mrs S Gawthorpe Cleaner
Miss S Hastie Cleaner

Lunchtime Staff

Name Role
Ms J Sizer Cook
Mrs S Gawthorpe Catering Assistant
Miss D Greaves Catering Assistant
Mrs L Prest Catering Assistant
Mrs T Mortimer Senior Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss S Hastie Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs M Powley Lunchtime Supervisor

Breakfast Club and After-School Club Staff

Name Role
Miss A Hudson Breakfast Club Assistant
Mrs J Meakin Breakfast Club Assistant
Mrs T Mortimer Breakfast Club Assistant
Miss J Pearson After-School Club Co-ordinator
Miss S Hastie After-School Club Assistant

My child is pushed to his full potential.

Parent Survey

Both my daughters attend Neasden and both have made such progress. They feel safe and I am reassured sending them to school.

Parent Survey

I have been impressed by the school productions.

Parent Survey

Encourages my child’s learning is all areas.

Parent Survey

School is very safe and the gates are always watched.

Parent Survey

Teaching is done in a nice way and very disciplined.

Parent Survey

Never had any issues with bullying.

Parent Survey

My child is really happy at school and I like the fact that I am kept informed and up to date with what is happening.

Parent Survey

We are really happy with our children and happy with everything.

Parent Survey

Excellent Reading! Really impressed with my child’s reading.

Parent Survey

My child always tells me how the teachers make the lessons fun.

Parent Survey